Not ‘Just’ an Anything

Recently, while leading one of our Financial Peace classes, the attendees were taking turns introducing themselves.  While going around the room, a man introduced himself and commented that his wife didn’t work. He then puffed his chest out and bragged how he brought home all of the money.  The lady in the seat next to him, shifted uncomfortably in her chair, and looked down at her feet. When it was her turn to share, she said in a low voice, “It’s true, I dont work. I’m just a stay at home mom.” She was heavy with guilt that she didn’t earn any money to contribute to their income or assist in paying off their debt. She couldnt see that even though she may not have earned any money, she was doing the work of many!

ATTENTION STAY AT HOME MOMS:  YOU ARE VALUABLE!! The moment you say you’re ‘just this or ‘just’ that, you are lowering yourself or what you think of yourself.

Being a stay at home mom, that’s not ‘just’ an anything.

A stay at home mom is a BIG job!! You’re not just a stay at home mom, you’re a MOTHER!  You take care of so many things and wear so many hats, if something were to happen to you, you’re husband would have to hire Mary Poppins to do all the things you do. You bring economic value to the home place—day care worker, teacher, nurse, chauffeur,  playmate, mediator, maid, chef, and so much more! With a tender heart, YOU selflessly take care of so many things.

Be PROUD of yourself and your job as a stay at home mom!!!

Proverbs 31:28 ESV

Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.

Get Up!

I had written this a few years ago and somehow it was lost inside my computer until now…enjoy.

Get Up!

I want to do good…but I don’t.

With two events are on the horizon, a 7 day cruise and my 30 year high school reunion; I have been wanting, no, needing to get back into shape. I have an urge, a want, a need to get into the gym and work out until I’m back into the shape of my 18 year old body.  Let’s face it, that’s not going to happen. I would settle for toning and shaping to look better in my 47 year old body.  I know this is something I need to do, not only because of the cruise or reunion, but because health and a good diet are important in life.

But I don’t do it.

Instead, I indulge in a fancy 400 calorie coffee creation topped with whip cream and drizzles of caramel and chocolate. I gorge on candy. Any type will do, Kit Kat, Almond Joy, Payday, but my weakness is Cadbury Mini Eggs!  Did you know they’re available for purchase on Amazon year round, not just at Easter?  Yes, I have sweets stashed everywhere, in my purse, at the office, as well as in several drawers and cabinets at home. One of the drawers is even known by friends and family as ‘the candy drawer’.

A few weeks ago, our pastor began a new teaching series; One Soul. He shared a bit of his story and while he was preaching, it seemed as if everyone around me faded out of sight and he was speaking directly to me.  The soul cries out, ‘I need, I need, and I need.’  It’s the nature of the soul to need and every one of us has some ongoing inner battle. Be it struggles with addiction, weight, shopping, debt anger, porn…we all have something.  Paul speaks of it in the Bible.

“…the trouble is with me, for I am all too human. A slave to sin. I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate…there is another power within me that is at war with my mind.’

Romans 7:14-15, 23

We all have our struggles. There is a war going on inside each of us, a war between instant gratification and the wise choice.  The question is how do you respond?  How do you rescue your soul?

For the past month or so, I’ve had an ongoing battle within myself, and I’ve been losing. Each morning, I promise myself today is the day I will go for a run, work on cardio, attend an abs class, etc… But I don’t. I think about how long it would take me to walk from my desk to the fitness center, and I think about all the time it would take me to change into my workout clothes. I reason with myself that I could be using that time toward something more productive.

Then I think about those people…Those certain people in the gym, sweaty and smiling… it’s just second nature to them. They are motivated, focused and serious. They work out every day. They don’t have these issues, do they?

I feel like a failure and have been silently shaming and beating myself up on a daily basis. “You’re such a loser! You are weak! You have no self-control!” This makes me feel worse and causes me want to eat more candy.

Our pastor’s message was ‘Don’t beat yourself up about this… but do get up and help yourself…the answer is in Jesus! His death on the cross paid our sin debt and we are unconditionally accepted.’

A candy struggle is sort of silly, but ‘candy’ can represents other struggles… anger, shopping, junk food, alcohol, laziness, control issues, etc… Get up and help yourself.  Take the first step toward recovery.

Heavenly Father, we raise You up and exalt You. We ask for Your blessing upon all of us who suffer from some sort of addiction. Give us hope to see that life can be different and life can be better. Enable us to take the steps to conquer the hurdle of our ‘needs’. Please hear our prayers for the strength to get up and reach out for help. We ask this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Brought to it, Brought through it!

Tatum’s lastest blog…so true, sometimes we forget to breathe and relax in the comfort of God.

The Deposit

Do you ever feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day? Have you ever been so stressed you feel there’s just no time to do anything that makes you happy? What could we possibly do to make this better? When can I just breathe?

When you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed trying listening to this and remind yourself, take a breath, God is always with you. If He can bring you to it, He’ll bring you through.

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Thought for the day….from the book of Exodus. For many years, the Israelites prayed and asked God to free them from Egyptian torture and slavery. God answered their prayer and brought them out of slavery to freedom.

However, once they are out of harms way, the people became hungry and tired and began to moan. They complained to Moses and to God. They grumbled and moaned about everything God had done for them. They wanted to go back to the situation from which they had been freed.

How often do we do this in our own lives? We find ourselves in a bad situation and we pray and pray asking God to help get us out of it. Maybe its bad job, an abusive relationship, etc… When the Heavenly Father answers our prayers and releases us from that bad situation…we grumble and wish to go back.

I recognized this in myself. The environment at my previous employer was negative, uncaring and unappreciative. Each morning on the way to work, I’d pray and ask God to help me get out, find another job, etc… On January 13, 2016 after 17 years of service, I was laid off due to downsizing. 
God had answered my prayer. 

Almost immediately, I began to grumble and complain. Thanks God, now what? What am I suppose to do now? Where will I work? Who will match my pay? Who will offer flexible schedule?
I no longer wanted to be separated from that awful company. In fact, I made the very bad decision of going back… But God had a plan and rescued me once more.

Now I work for an amazing company, with a flexible schedule and great benefits! 

God always has a plan…He knows what he’s doing even if we don’t.
Have you prayed for something and then complained about receiving it? Grumbled to God about the prayers he’s answered on your behalf? If so, take time today to give Him thanks for all He has done for you and ask forgiveness for not trusting His plan.
Have a blessed day!

God Fit

My wonderful husband gifted me with a Fitbit Charge HR for Mother’s Day.

It’s what I really wanted. I’d seen other people with them, and thought it would be a great to be able to track my steps, and sleep patterns. I also wanted the ability to track my heart rate. Little did I know that once I strapped that baby on my wrist, my life would change…FOREVER.

I checked my steps multiple times throughout the day and I joined challenges. Once I saw those steps begin to climb higher and higher each day, the more I wanted to walk. It consumed me. I kept pushing myself; telling myself to walk more, move more.  I’d challenge myself by setting my step goals higher and higher each day until one day I reached 35,000 steps!

Now, let me set something straight, I do not enjoy exercising. It ranks right up there with ironing clothes or cleaning the toilet. Occasionally, I go to the fitness center but I tend to stare out the window or check my watch the entire time.  I am distracted and become frustrated that I didn’t get any serious working out done. I then feel like a loser, and don’t want to work out again.

If someone told me a year ago that I would be walking in upwards of 11 miles a day, I wouldnt have believed it. 

But I love it.  I walk in the morning, in the evening, and I attempt to get up to walk as much as I can during my work day. I now enjoy going to the store and finding the parking spot farthest away from the entrance. I not only love it because it energizes and motivates me to face whatever the day brings; I also love, love, love the fact that I’m fitting into my old jeans. Jeans which I’d given up on; thrown in the ever-growing give away pile in my closet, thinking I’d never be able to wear them again!

Now I don’t miss my Miss Me’s anymore!!

Like exercise, I sometime find it difficult to get up early for God time or I get easily distracted when reading the Bible, thinking of the dirty dishes in the sink, or the pile of clean clothes that need to be folded or what I should make for dinner.  I become frustrated with myself.  It makes me want to avoid God time it all together.

What this black tracker on my wrist has taught me is that intentionality pays off.  

Dedicating time to God and staying connected to Jesus is energizing and motivating. It too pays off. It helps mentally and spiritually prepare me for whatever the day may bring. If I am unable to get up early for my God time, I’ll let Bible app read to me on the way to work, or while I’m taking a long walk around the neighborhood. I also subscribe to daily devotionals such as Proverbs 31 Ministries and She Reads Truth to stay connected to the word throughout the day.

When we spend time reading the scriptures, praying and resting in the word, we invite God to work in us and through us. We then crave Him more and more. You will be unable to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, if you aren’t growing yourself. So, put on that ‘spiritual Fit Bit’ and begin your workout today!

Dear Heavenly Father, it’s so easy to move far away from you when distracted by life.  Please help me to get closer to you. It is my heart’s desire to hear from you. I hunger and thirst to hear your voice, Dear Lord. You are my hope, my peace, my joy and inspiration. I will face this day with confidence knowing that you are very close to me. I thank you Lord that I can do all things because you are the source of my strength. In Jesus’ Name, Amen